Our Story
Connect to Community (CTC) was founded in 2013 by a small group of parents who wanted to build a better future for their children with developmental disabilities. Looking ahead to the time when their children would exit the school system at age 22, they realized that the supports they had always relied upon would be gone and they would need to find other ways to create a meaningful, quality day.
Concerned that the kind of services they were looking for were not currently available in their area and realizing that other parents probably faced the same dilemma, they decided to forge their own path and follow their vision to form a not-for-profit, human service corporation serving clients in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Designed to be community-centered and self-directed, the goal is to empower individuals to envision the life they want to live, and then assist them in making that vision a reality.
At the center of the mission is employment. Currently, many people with developmental disabilities are either unemployed or spend their days in a sheltered workshop with little exposure to their own community. With a customized employment model, the focus is on an individual’s strengths and skills in an effort to find employment opportunities that benefit both the job-seeker and the employer. We believe that employment is for everyone.

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step.
Our Team
Our dedicated team members are the driving force behind Connect to Community. With a passion for serving our local area, each member brings unique skills and expertise to the organization.

Our Mission
Connect to Community is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding and facilitating purposeful employment and enjoyment for adults with developmental disabilities. Further, in an effort to help these adults live the lives they desire and deserve within the community, we will provide person-centered services across all aspects of community life.