Why support us?
Connect to Community relies heavily on private donations and fundraising events. Your contribution will be used to make a difference in the lives of young adults with special needs through employment services, community-based social/recreational activities and educational programming for families.

Ways to Donate
Donate Online
To make a donation by mail, please send a check or money order to:​
​Connect to Community, Inc.
P.O. Box 1922
Palatine, IL 60078
Privacy Policy
Donor information will be used only to process contributions and to inform donors of Connect to Community programs and events. Donor information will not be shared with any third party. However, we would like to acknowledge donors on our website and in our annual report. If you wish your donation to remain anonymous, please contact us at
Donor Businesses & Organizations
Women Giving Back
Oak Wealth Advisors
Schaumburg Boomers
Lynfred Winery
Chicago Wolves
Rotary Club of Palatine (Community Grant)
Palatine Township (Agency Funding)
PRP Wine International
Lou Malnati’s
Sherri Schneider – Family Benefit Solutions
Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove (Community Grant)
Wildberry Cafe
Michelle Bastiani – Mary Kay Cosmetics
Costco Schaumburg
Individual Donors
Rita Angelini
Catherine Danial
Christine Eng
Colleen Getz
Donald Hall
Josette Higgins
Jeff Brandon
Cyndi & Scott Davidson
Mary Erickson
Ralph Green
Andrew & Lizeth Hall
Kate Hutchinson
Joelle Brescia
Mark Dec
Scott Fisher
Jane & Michael Haduch
Eloise Haverland
Barbara Ignas
Mary Lou D'Astice
Sarah Ellsworth
Scott & Lynn Manna Fisher
Jim & Linda Hall
Robert & Michelle Hess
Anne Marie Kissel