The video from our November 15th virtual Friday Forum, "DDD Home-Based Services vs. DRS Home Services Program", is now available.
Molly Chapman, Assistant Bureau Chief, Home Services Program, DHS-DRS, Eliza Jones, Director of Home-Based Services, Clearbrook, and Krizzia Zimmermann, Coordinator of Home-Based Services, Clearbrook, discuss the differences between these two waiver programs including who qualifies for the funding, how to apply for the funding, the amount of the funding and how it's determined, and how the funding can be used to provide needed supports.
Many thanks to Molly, Eliza, and Krizzia for sharing their time and expertise with our group!
The video presentation can be accessed on the CTC YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/qDS2TVk6jRg
CTC Educational Outreach seminars and tours are designed to provide families, self-advocates, educators, and service providers with useful information related to the transition process as well as life in the community after educational entitlements end.